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Internationella Yogadagens program (som du kan göra hemma)

En sommarhälsning från Bihar School i Indien. Inför Internationella Yogadagen 21 juni skickade de ut följande program. Men det går ju förstås att praktisera närsomhelst under sommaren! Jag har återgett det i stort sätt i orgiginal nedan, hoppas att det går bra på engelska. Ibland är yogabegreppen på sanskrit lite svåra att översätta, jag har ändå lagt till någon översättning nedan för att öka förståelsen. Bilderna nedan la jag till för att det skulle bli lättare att följa. Hoppas att programmet kommer väl till pass för sommarsäsongen! 

Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, presents
Yoga: improving and enhancing the quality of life
On the occasion of the fifth International Day of Yoga, we extend our greetings to all sincere seekers and aspirants of yoga. Since 2015 this day has become an opportunity for aspirants across the globe to come together in the spirit of yoga and strengthen their connection to this ancient vidya [knowledge or wisdom, red anm]. The Bihar School of Yoga has wholeheartedly supported this global interest in yoga by inspiring aspirants to deepen their experience of yoga and adopt it not merely as a physical practice but as a harmonious lifestyle as well.
The lifestyle aspect of yoga is equally, if not more important than the practice aspect, and it involves moment-to-moment awareness and fine-tuning of one’s thoughts, responses and behaviour. According to Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati,
                        “If you want to make yoga a tool to improve your lifestyle, you have to start bringing the positive attributes into your life, beginning with thought. The moment you make your thoughts positive, marks the beginning of your yogic change. This process of making the thoughts positive is known as pratipaksha bhavana. Swami Sivananda used to say, ‘Sow a seed in your thought, nurture it, and it will become the tree of your destiny in the course of time.’ Therefore, you have  to  sow the  right seed in your thought, and that is always the positive one, the virtuous one. Whenever a negative condition, state, idea, thought or reaction appears, instantly counteract that  with a positive one.”
In keeping with this theme, the yama of kshama, or forgiveness, and the niyama of namaskara, or greeting others with bhava, has been added to this year’s program. These positive virtues pave the way to experience peace and harmony in one’s life. A conscious and sincere effort to practise these will transform the state of one’s own mind as well as the environment around.

Your Program for the International Day of Yoga 2019
From 6 am to 7.30 am, people will gather on the rooftops, verandahs, courtyards and other open spaces of their homes and community centres and do the following practices:
1. Tadasana - Palmen (9 rundor)

2. Tiryak tadasana - Svajande palmen (9 rundor)

3. Kati chakrasana - stående midjerotation (9 rundor)

4. Shavasana** 

5. Surya namaskara - Solhälsningen (5 rundor)

6. Vipareet karani asana - Omvänd ställning (1–2 minuter)

7. Matsyasana - Fisken, (1 minut)

8. Marjari asana - Katten (9 rundor)

9. Simhagarjanasana - Lejonet (5 rundor)

10. Shashankasana - Haren (1 minut)

These asanas comprise a short and easy-to-practise capsule for maintaining good health and total wellbeing.
* In the dynamic practices, awareness should be directed to the physical movement in the first 3 rounds, breath and pranic awareness in the next 3 rounds and mental visualization in the last 3 rounds.
** Shavasana may be practised as per the need of the group.

11. Sheetali or sheetkari pranayama (10 rounds)

12. Nadi shodhana pranayama 1:1 (10 rounds), Låt in- och utandning bli lika långa eller praktisera det steg du vanligtvis gör.

13. Bhramari pranayama (10 rounds)

For a few minutes each, contemplate on and develop the yama of kshama, or forgiveness and the niyama of namaskara or humility.
14. KshamaBring to mind one situation from the past when you were not forgiving. Try to identify the feeling that memory generates, be it hurt, anger, frustration, sadness or any other. Analyze this feeling to understand the root cause of your lack of forgiveness. Observe your thoughts about the other person and consciously try to change your negative thoughts by focusing on the person’s positive qualities. Now bring in the thought of forgiveness and try to genuinely forgive the person. After doing this, do you feel happy, can you smile at the thought of the person, and are you ready to meet that person with an attitude of goodwill and friendliness?

15. NamaskaraAccording to Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati, “Namaskara is an indication of humility. When you practise namaskara, humility is expressed and arrogance recedes to the background. When you greet somebody, when you look at them and smile, you actually bring happiness into their life. In this way, with respect, honour and humility, the world will become a better place.” Review this week to identify how often you greet people. Also identify when you do it as a mere social greeting and when with feeling, bhava. Make a resolve to greet everyone with the bhava of greeting the goodness within them.

21. Ajapa japa (So Ham awareness in frontal passage5 minutes)
See tex Bihar Yoga App/Yoga Practice/Meditation

22. Yoga nap (basic yoga nidra with stages 3 & 410 minutes)
Lyssna på tex Satyam Prasad app/Audio/Practices/Yoga Nidra/Internationel - här finns även på svenska.

All sincere yoga aspirants are advised to follow the above practices for one year, and then reflect on their success and the changes experienced in the quality of life. We hope and pray that the inspiration of yoga remains with you and in turn, you are able to assist others on the path of yoga and yogic living.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Swami Sivadhyanam


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